Support the parish
Without your generous financial support we would not be able to pay wages or continue as a parish. We encourage giving in proportion to our means so that we are all united not in the amount we give but in the sacrifice we make.
It helps our planning when people give on a regular basis by some form of automatic giving. Also, if you are able, you can ‘gift aid’ your donations which effectively increases the value of your donation by 25%. For details on standing orders, others options for giving, and gift aid, please go to the foot of this page.
SUpport the SVP
The Society of St Vincent de Paul in our parish are only now accepting food donations after the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Over the last few months, however, the SVP have distributed food vouchers, redeemable at local supermarkets and shops, and bought other items of use for those in need. If you would like to donate some money in support of their excellent work, please do so using the button below.

Other ways you can support us
Standing orders
This is the simplest and easiest way to donate a regular weekly or monthly amount. Standing order forms are available, online at our website or from the Parish office, they can also be sent by post to you if necessary, by contacting Dave Kendall on the number below.
If you have the facility for this then you can donate what you want and when you want. Our bank account details can be found on the Standing Order form (see the button above). You will need the NAME, SORT CODE, and ACCOUNT NO. Please ensure you enter your own name in the reference box.
If you still wish to donate this way, please post or drop off cheques to the Parish Office. Cash should not be posted but if at all possible, dropped off at the parish office. The Parish Office is situated at The Retreat, Sea Street, Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8SP.
There is the option to have a pack of envelopes, one for each Sunday of the year, and place your contributions in these each week. Handling envelope donations makes them more time-consuming for the volunteers who have to record your giving, so we encourage you to consider setting up a standing order. However, we always appreciate your donations. If you are a tax payer, Gift Aid can be claimed on the money given.
Gift Aid
Whatever method you choose please also consider Gift Aiding your donation. Forms are available from Parish office, online at our website, and if necessary, by post. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated and will help to ensure that our parish functions as normally as possible.
As part of your will, you can extend your lifelong giving by sharing a part of your wealth to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. Your gift will have a lasting impact, bringing delight and inspiration for future generations. A legacy to a charitable cause has the added benefit of reducing inheritance tax for the remainder of your estate. In order to discuss gifts in wills, please contact the Parish Office or the Chair of our Parish Finance Committee.
You may consider supporting the Parish by raising funds – whether it’s running a marathon, hosting a bake sale, or organising a pub quiz evening, the opportunities are limitless. You can raise money using organisations like or JustGiving. Please do let us know at the Parish Office so that we can help publicise what you are doing through the weekly newsletter.
Any concerns or questions do not hesitate to contact me on 01227 794899 (David Kendall, Chairman Parish Finance Committee)